I am sure my family must have had "normal" days in the past. But I cant recall any. For most people a day like today probably wouldn't feel extraordinary. My family didn't do anything out of the ordinary today but the way we did it was. My husband got up this morning and went to work. Not a big deal to most families but for ours the fact that he has been consistently going to the same job for almost 2 months is a huge deal. He willing hands over his check and we deposit it in the bank. After he got out of work we went shopping and actually had money to buy some of the things we need for the house. Again a luxury that I am sure many families take for granted. My sons glasses were broken and we bought him some new ones,we got new sheets for the bed, a pair of pajamas for the baby and had money to spoil ourselves with a pumpkin pie.
Not only did we have the money to buy what we needed but we enjoyed each others company while doing it. We took our time and browsed and everyone enjoyed looking at something they were interested in. In the past the crowd of a store on a Saturday a few weeks before Christmas would have made my husbands anxiety probably prevent him from even getting out of the car.
My husband has had extended periods of time with sobriety in the past but we have never had the trifecta before. Having his mental health under control, consistently working and sober at the same time. I have had brief glimpses in the past of the man I knew was somewhere in there. The man I married. But I think this is the first time in our marriage that I have really got to see the whole package. It is the first time I have really experienced what it is like to really have a partner. Honestly it is great.
I am still a bit scared that my husband will relapse and what that will mean for our family. But I am no longer going to try dwell on that and make contingency plans for the what ifs. I am going to enjoy our family everyday to the fullest and if that time comes we will deal with it then. But I am hopeful for the first time really that that day wont come again.